By: Waltir

Happy Path VS Sad Path Testing

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Happy path testing and sad path testing are two different approaches to software testing that focus on different aspects of the software's functionality.

Happy Path Testing:

Happy path testing is a testing method that focuses on the expected or normal behavior of the software. It is also known as "nominal testing" or "main path testing". The goal of happy path testing is to ensure that the software functions as intended when used in a normal and expected way. Test cases for happy path testing are typically focused on testing the main functionality of the software, such as basic input/output, navigation and data processing.

Examples of test cases for happy path testing include:

  • A test case that verifies that a user can successfully login to the software using the correct username and password
  • A test case that verifies that a user can successfully navigate through the software's main menu options
  • A test case that verifies that the software can correctly process and display data entered by the user

Sad Path Testing:

Sad path testing, on the other hand, is a testing method that focuses on the unexpected or abnormal behavior of the software. It is also known as "error path testing" or "exceptional testing". The goal of sad path testing is to ensure that the software handles unexpected or abnormal situations in a graceful and predictable way. Test cases for sad path testing are typically focused on testing the software's error handling and recovery mechanisms, such as input validation and exception handling.

Examples of test cases for sad path testing include:

  • A test case that verifies that the software handles an incorrect username or password when a user attempts to login
  • A test case that verifies that the software handles an invalid input when a user attempts to enter data into a field
  • A test case that verifies that the software can handle and recover from an unexpected system failure

To write the highest quality test cases and test plans, software test engineers should:

  • Understand the requirements and objectives of the software thoroughly.
  • Identify the key functionality of the software, and prioritize test cases accordingly.
  • Plan and design test cases that cover both happy path and sad path scenarios.
  • Use a variety of testing techniques such as boundary value testing, equivalence partitioning, and decision table testing.
  • Be consistent in the way test cases are written, including the format and structure.
  • Use test cases that are easy to understand, execute, and maintain.
  • Have a clear and comprehensive test plan that includes all the necessary information, such as test cases, test data, and expected results.
  • Review and update test cases and test plans as necessary.

By following these steps, software test engineers can ensure that their test cases and test plans are of the highest quality, and that they provide comprehensive coverage of the software's functionality, including both happy path and sad path scenarios.

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